Thursday, September 15, 2011

Work, Play, Shop, Eat, Relax!

Today we learned more grammar. I think I'm going to die. I have realized in two days of learning grammar that I don't hate grammar. I hate the Canadian public school system for not teaching me anything beyond verbs, adverbs, nouns and adjectives. Who knew that tere is a Present Simple, Present Pefect and Present Continuous. I am Presently Confused. I also didn't know that there is such a thing as Proper Nouns, possessive pronouns, compound adjectives or Gerunds. Please don't ask me to explain any of those, because the only one I really know (and understand) is the Proper Nouns, which are nouns that are a title (like a city or a name of a person.)

Dear someone Who mightn't care,

I weren't teached grammar so I ain't have an clue how to make a sentance proper.



Of course that's not true. I can clearly write a sentance, speak a sentance, but part of teaching something is explaining how to put that sentance together. AND I CAN'T DO IT BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW HOW!! I have to study really hard this month and pass my exam. I'm quite fearful of it. I'm sure I will pass, I just know that this course is not all laughing fun and games for anyone who was taught in Canada (me!), England, or the USA. I really feel the need to write to Stephen Harper and tell him that he really needs to invest more in the teaching of teachers so that they can educate students on grammar. I was told today that my Spanish students will not need to learn grammar. They already know it. I just need to be able to tell them where parts of a sentance usually go in that sentance. But if there is a question that they ask that I can't answer, that's where the tricky part comes in. *el suspiro*.

Anyway, after a very frustrating, confusing class, we were dismissed for the day. Woohoo! I went to them mall with some friends, had some lunch, went back to school to study a bit, and then went window shopping a little more. I bought some haram pants (not quite full pants, they go to my knees). They are SO compfy. We wandered a little more, found some really nice looking bakeries and resisted some delicious looking treats.

Eventually, I ended up at home, with some fresh veggies to add to my pasta dinner. I sat down and decided to watch The Lion King while I ate (with subtitles!)

Pictures of the day:
The view from the roof of my school..

You can see this from the roof too!

Here's another angle of the same building, from the mall! They have a viewing deck on the 5th floor of the mall!
(photo taken by P, thanks!!)

This is what a round-about is supposed to look like. Dear Kitchener, next time you build one, do it right!!

E taking a photo of the round-about

The girls
(photo taken by A, thanks!!)

Strike a pose!


  1. Lady! Looks like you are having an amazing time! loving the updates...

    it may help you to past your test to spell sentence with an "E" not and an "A" ....not to be a grammar/spelling jerk..I did just finish a publishing program and had my ass handed to me in terms of grammar as well! 'cause seriously what is a gerund? unnecessary

    keep the updates coming!

  2. What the stink is a gerund and from the roof of the school??? Nice round about! Mom wants to send that photo and comment to the city and 570 news. Mom is still laughing.

    So you suck at grammer. Me too and I never broke out in a rash or nothing from it.

  3. YOu look so freaking happy. You're positively glowing! Spain is good for you!!!

    Study hard....I have faith in you, you'll totally ace that exam. I can't wait ti come visit you!!!!

    Miss you babe!!!

    (speaking of grammar, see all those exclamation marks? Too much, me thinks...)

    Love, D.

  4. You do look happy and I'm so glad! And that whole grammar thing - it's why I haven't tried English language teacher training myself. Even though I have an honours degree in writing, I still feel like an imbecile when it comes to grammar. It definitely is not properly taught in Canadian schools! We never even covered so many of the topics you've mentioned - for one thing, now I have to go and Google what the ding dang a "gerund" is!

