Thursday, September 18, 2014

Pollo con Salsa: The Language Barrier

Barbados and I just got home from the gym (40 min spin class for me, in Spanish... I don't know if I did it all right, but I was pretty sweaty at the end so I think something worked!)

He sent me down to buy a chicken and gravy (or sauce, because they don't have gravy here) and potatoes. Muy bien. "Pollo, con salsa, y patates".

I got downstairs to the little shop, and they gave me a whole chicken in a bag, with what looked like oil or chicken grease, also in the bag and told me to microwave para dos minutos. Umm.. okay. I don't have a microwave, but I'll figure it out. She said a whole bunch of other things that I have no idea what she said, but it all sounded good, and I responded as much as I could. (They talk so fast here that its hard to understand.. Colombians talk much slower. Can I talk to a Colombian?)

Patates para dos (for two people).

Tambien, la tienda esta abierta los domingos, y dias festivos. (Also, the store is open on Sundays and holidays)... Bueno.

Tengo muy hambre. I just want my chicken and sauce.

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