Its been a few days since I've had a chance to write anything, I know, lo siento.
I swear I have a good excuse for not being present in my online life...
I am job hunting. Seriously.
But I have prospects. AND I got one of my old students back... she is wonderful. I cannot wait until our class!
But on to the other things I've been doing.
I'm trying to learn Spanish. Eek. It is only difficult in this city because the best way to learn a language is to fully immerse yourself in it. If you know anything about the people of Spain, it is that most of them speak very quickly, and have a lisp. Its not really a lisp, but they pronounce things as though they do. For example, 'Barcelona' is Barthelona. And 'Vale' (which means 'okay') is pronounced like we would say ballet, with the emphasis on the first syllable.
All of this means that listening to people speak, it is somewhat difficult to pick up on the words you know when they are jumbled in with the words you don't know.
It's only a little frustrating.
And so I'll listen to some more Enrique and Marc Anthony and hopefully it will come. jajaja
glad to hear you have some work How far do you have to travel