Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Rainy Day Coffee and Cookies

Today it is raining. It is damp and miserable out. It would be easy to let my mood reflect the dark grey clouds in the sky and let my spirits dampen like the ground.

But I'm not letting that happen today. It's Wednesday, which is generally my busiest day, and usually I dread them, so my joy today is something surprising and delightful. I went to the gym this morning (and for those of you on Facebook, you know that my experience this morning was less than pleasant because of the gym rats who think they own the space- I pay for a gym pass too, you know!) After the gym, I hit the grocery store for some fresh veggies and little extras, and then it was home to cook up some lunch!

This was my lunch today:
Rice noodles and sauce (tomato sauce with kidney beans, tomatoes, red peppers, green onion and spices) a fried egg (sunny side up and spiced) and a slice of Gouda cheese! 

I have to say that the rice noodles part was inspired by Joseph and Danielle who used to eat them constantly! I hope they're enjoying all the noodles of Thailand!  Love you guys :)

After lunch, and many facebook messages, I made a coffee and grabbed some cookies (three, they're packaged in three's, so you can't just have two) and sat down to watch an episode of Sex and The City. Halfway through, I got a Skype call from my sister, and who did appear on my screen but my favorite nephew, Jay! (He's my only nephew, so its not bad that he's my favorite!) He's learning to talk a lot more, and apparently yells my name when the Skype is ringing.. I love that! The girls came to say hi too, and showed me their pretty skirts. What lovely ladies they are! 

After Skyping, I finished my episode and my coffee. I'm now on coffee number two and cookies number 4 and 5...  I'm allowed to have a couple of cookies today- I had a bad day at the gym! 

And soon I'll be off to start my day. I'll write for a few hours, I'll have a drink interlude and some quick dinner with a friend and then go to the theatre for 9:30. 

All in all, I expect the rest of the day to be as pleasant as the beginning, as long as it doesn't rain too hard! I hope everyone else's "hump day" is going as well as mine! 


  1. My day has not been too bad. Ate outside enjoying the sun - 25 outside tomorrow 27, then continued to work until 6 p.m. Came home and discovered that you had written a blog. Yeah. Hope the rest of your day did go well without too much rain. I have a little visitor coming Friday night - might have 2 other little ones as well - So you might say I am really looking forward to Friday.
    Love you

  2. The rest of my day wasn't bad at all. I got to my class, taught the girl for 1.5 hours, then the mom for an hour, then went downtown to meet a friend for dinner. After dinner, I went to the theatre where I led a physical and vocal warm-up (and had all my actors yelling "I'm an actor! You're gonna watch me! You're gonna LOVE IT!") Class went late, so I didn't get home until just after midnight, by which time the rain had turned to a downpour and there was thunder and lightening. But its okay, because someone did something sweet for me and I got to talk to my parents on Skype! Bed at 1:30am (and up now for the gym by 9:30!)
