Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Tengo frio.

yup, it's finally cold in Barcelona. Not cold like Canada, where you can throw hot water in the air and it turns to ice before it hits the ground, but still cold. And the thing about Spain is that they don't think  they are a cold country, so they have no insulation. And linoleum floors. And cement walls.

Oh well. Tis the season of warm knit sweaters, scarves and hats!

Happy winter, and stay warm friends!


  1. we have a nice hot fire here, warm carpets to walk on and insulation.
    You are welcome to come home

  2. Beth - can you believe it? After complaining to me and having me talk with you about updating your blog - Carol has yet to read your last two blogs. But you know I have read them and I need another blog before Christmas
